Bao will speak at 10pm on Friday night, and it will be the weekend after that. There is generally no interference from the European and American markets on weekends, and the market is basically rising. So according to this logic, can we buy on Friday as long as there is a drop? From the market, after the double bottom in 4h, it has gone out of the game range, and the long and short positions cannot reach a consensus. The big negative lines in the range are basically caused by the selling of Grayscale, market makers, and the US government. The market is closed on weekends. The previous small-scale bullish trend seems to have not been completed. In terms of time cycle, it has been shaking for almost 12 days in conjunction with the macro economy. It is time to make a direction! A correction last night triggered market fluctuations. The price of Bitcoin rose generally, and V God shouted but there was no response! 4h continues to be suppressed by the EMA moving average!

Idea: Today, we will make intraday range fluctuations and sell high at 15f level. Golem deposited 4000 ether in CEX and entered the short position. We will check it in the evening. The lower boundary target is still around 2550#MtGox钱包动态 #杰克逊霍尔年会 #美联储何时降息?