Summary: ⚠️Heavy! Ethereum's 10-year achievements and the next 10 years!

The Ethereum chain was launched on July 30, 2015, and 10 years have passed in a flash!

Vitalik gave a speech at the Ethereum Developer Conference EDCON 2024 on July 30, 2024.

❗️❗️❗️ Let's take a look at Ethereum's achievements in 10 years:

1️⃣ From 0 to 1: In 2015, Ethereum was still a baby, and now it has grown into a mature adult that can host conferences for thousands of people.

2️⃣ User volume leap: From a small team of less than 100 developers to a large family of millions of users.

3️⃣ Technology upgrade: From proof of work (POW) to proof of stake (POS), power consumption has been greatly reduced, and it is much more environmentally friendly.

4️⃣ Transaction fees have dropped: Transaction fees used to be frighteningly high, but now they are almost negligible, thanks to L2 technology.

5️⃣ User experience upgrade: From a simple interface to a modern one, the user experience has leapt forward, and even novices can easily get started.

6️⃣ Wallet security evolution: From a single private key to a smart contract wallet, security has been greatly improved.

❗️❗️❗️ Ethereum's direction for the next 10 years:

1️⃣ Diversified applications: From DeFi to NFT, and then to the prediction market, Ethereum's application scenarios will be more abundant.

2️⃣ User experience upgrade: Wallets will become more friendly, and payment and application interactions will be more seamless.

3️⃣ New security strategy: Multi-signature wallets and key management will take asset protection to a higher level.

4️⃣ Unlimited scalability: L2 and Plasma technology will greatly improve transaction processing capabilities and move towards unlimited scalability.

5️⃣ Beyond Web2: Not only copying Web2, Ethereum will explore new form factors, such as AR, brain-computer interface, etc.

6️⃣ Epistemological technology: Help users distinguish between authenticity, community notes and prediction markets will be smarter.

7️⃣ Leading security: Through technical means, protect users from the source and make the crypto world safer.

✅✅✅ Summary:

In the past 10 years, Ethereum has only verified the feasibility of many theories. The next 10 years will be the era of real application explosion!