
Many people asked me if I can still trade Bitcoin and some altcoins. I think you probably didn’t read the whole experience I wrote. It records my experience.

There is only one purpose for asking me these questions: to get rich quickly through virtual currency.

It is clear that these people know nothing when they ask these questions. They are itching to see others making money by buying Bitcoin and various altcoins.

Then I would like to ask: One Bitcoin is worth 200,000 now, how many do you plan to buy?

Most ordinary people can only afford a few thousand or tens of thousands.

If you were asked to spend hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars to buy at the bottom, you probably wouldn’t have the guts to do so. Moreover, you probably don’t even know if the current bottom is the bottom.

Then someone may say, I don’t ask it to go up, can’t I just short it with leveraged futures?

Then I just laugh and can only congratulate you on getting the title of leek.

If you are a relative of the big dealer, that is another matter. Either you have the skills to hack into his computer and know his plan, or if you use the perspective of technical analysis to do futures leverage, you will explode in a few minutes and doubt your life.

Some people may not agree and say that they have made a lot of money by leveraging. But you don’t understand a saying: Misfortunes often lie behind blessings, and blessings often lie behind misfortunes.

People in the market often say that as long as the contract is not dead, there will be no bull market. Harvesting contracts has become the lowest-cost way for bookmakers to make money.

Whether you are short or long, you can't win.

Let me tell you this, the Bitcoin market is not like the stock market. Its capital volume is not large enough to require multiple shareholders to control the market.

The market manipulation by the banker can be seen everywhere.

Many cryptocurrencies have experienced increases of dozens or even hundreds of times under the manipulation of market makers, allowing speculators who followed the market makers to make a fortune.

There were also speculators who did not have time to leave the market when the market maker crashed the market, and they all lost all their money.

Knowing whether a coin has a dealer means knowing whether the price of the coin is artificially controlled.

There are opportunities but also crises for coins owned by bookmakers, which once again highlights the truth that profits and losses have the same origin.

This kind of blockchain thing means that a small number of people control most of the coins.

For example: There is a stall owner on the road. He puts a bowl in front of him and asks you to guess whether there is one ball or two balls in the bowl. If you guess correctly, you will get a prize.

So would you guess one or two? The answer is that it doesn’t matter how many you guess, you will lose whether you guess one or two.

The person setting up the stall is the dealer because he can control the ball at will.

How much he wants to win depends only on how he wants to play you. As long as the dealer has unlimited control over the market, you will lose whether you go long or short.

For example, if I open a mining pool now, I will randomly name it "Control Coin". The number of coins is 10 million, of which 8 million will not be released, and only 2 million will be released for mining outside.

Then go to the exchange to list it, and then find some people to hype it up. As long as it is listed, it will be bought.

At this time, are you tempted? You think that if you don’t buy now, the price will continue to rise, so you also join the ranks of buying coins.

As the price gets higher and higher, it has already reached 100 yuan each.

At this point, you can calculate the value of the 8 million coins in the hands of the dealer. It is not ruled out that the dealer is still mining his own coins in the mining pool, and the actual number of coins controlled is more than 8 million.

At this time, the dealer has the ability to control the market in both directions infinitely.

If they want to increase the price, they can push the price up to 1,000 yuan per piece. If someone dares to short sell, the consequences will be disastrous.

I can keep forcing you to short sell. If you increase your position, I will keep forcing you to short sell and keep speculating, forcing you to cover your position.

If I want to cash out, I will speculate and dump the market at the same time. The dealer has more than 8 million coins in his hands.

If you want to buy at the bottom, you need a lot of money to cover it, not to mention that the bottom you buy at may be the top of the mountain.

You said you have money, I took out 8 billion and copied all the coins back. That's even better. Zhuang said you can keep all for yourself.

I'll go get another Hilltop Coin and continue playing.

Bitcoin is the most successful sickle and the most ruthless sickle in the world. It has increased more than 10 million times since 2009.

In the early days of Bitcoin, very few people were able to mine or buy it.

Therefore, whether you are mining altcoins to exchange for Bitcoin or buying Bitcoin directly, you have now lost the opportunity.

What you buy now for 50,000 is only less than one-third of the coins. Even if it rises to 1.4 million, how much money can you make?

Can it rise to 1.4 million? How long will the cycle be?

At its peak, it was only over 400,000. It took more than ten years for it to rise to 1.4 million. It is almost impossible.

Some people may say, you said that we can’t buy directly now, and we can’t make contracts either. Isn’t this a bit like cutting off people’s source of income?

Bitcoin has now passed the golden time for your asset allocation. Just like speculating in real estate, it is undoubtedly asking you to take a large amount of funds to speculate in real estate now.

If you buy at the current price, you are definitely standing on the top of the mountain, unless you have faith and can hold it for many years without caring about fluctuations.

Someone asked: Does Bitcoin still have value?

I think it is valuable, so what is its value?

Like diamond antiques, it requires people's consensus to exist. As long as there are people who believe in it, it will not collapse and it will have value.

Therefore, scarcity cannot measure the value of something. As long as it is digital, it can be infinitely subdivided. The greatest thing about Bitcoin is still Satoshi Nakamoto’s idea.

Let people trust machines rather than people. This is the underlying logic of blockchain.

Therefore, it is no longer possible to get rich quickly through Bitcoin, but it is possible to achieve financial appreciation through Bitcoin.

So if anyone tells you today that you can get rich quickly by buying Bitcoin, you must not believe it. Bitcoin cannot make you rich quickly now, it can only achieve financial appreciation.

#新币挖矿DOGS #BTC☀ #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 #杰克逊霍尔年会