Big market is heavy, small market is light, and if there is no market, wait and see. It is better to give up opportunities and operate less, but also to control the risk to the minimum.

You can watch the commodity market every day, but you must not be in it every day, so as to avoid the handling fee you pay exceeds your profit. Don't consider efficiency in trading, don't set a monthly profit target, trading is a test of discipline, not a competition field for efficiency. Stop loss must be set for each transaction.

What kind of person you are, you should do what kind of trading. If you have a quick mind and quick reaction, do intraday trading, even if others make a lot of money on the trend; if you like to hold orders for a long time and have patience, then do trend trading, even if others make money continuously in intraday trading, don't envy. Don't be emotional when trading, because it is your biggest enemy of losing money and being upset. Only by managing your emotions can you grasp the rhythm of the market.

Trading itself is a zero-sum game. The money of most people flows into the hands of a few people, which is a redistribution of finance. I believe that these 5% of traders, like most investors, have mastered some skills and methods. The difference is that they have their own trading thinking. Correct trading thinking is the key to success.

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