The mentality that currency ⭕️people should have:

1. Sowing and harvesting are never in the same season. You must learn to delay gratification.

Everything is difficult at the beginning. The more ordinary investors without connections and resources, the longer the cycle for you to see positive feedback. So don’t rush for quick success or give up just because you can’t make money at the moment. In many cases, just persist a little longer. , you can see the dawn of hope.

2. Set a time period for yourself. During this period, you can just work hard and not worry about the harvest.

Halved in 2017 and sold chips in 2018.

Halve in 2020 and sell chips in 2021.

Halving in 2024, the shipping period should also be 2025

Bulls and bears cycle every four years. Even if you buy chips from the bottom of a bear market, it will take 2 years or more to see a deterministic return. Various black swans and accidents will occur during this period. You must be prepared. Mental preparation.

3. The market has cycles, and getting through the trough period is the highlight moment.

The market is composed of countless cycles of troughs and high moments. Realizing this, you will know that the current trough is only temporary, and you can better face the ups and downs in the market.

The market will not stay in the trough forever. Otherwise, it will recover. When despair reaches a certain level, it is time to reverse. #美国7月PPI低于预期 #美国CPI数据连续第4个月回落 #新币挖矿TON