Bitcoin and Ethereum are still fluctuating in the box, but the altcoins have started to pull up the market recently. Yesterday, the overall blockchain game sector and some NFT platforms rose, such as DAR TLM BURGER RARE, etc. Most of the market capitalizations are very small.

Most people have begun to get tired of the recent overall market. It has been rising for a few days and falling for a few days, and the price has not changed much. For example, sats ordi in the big cake ecosystem, and some meme coins bome people turbo (the dealer has also been trading with each other) have also led to missing many opportunities.

For example, banana fell sharply on August 5 and the project party began to protect the market. It was very good on August 6, 7, and 8. It was sideways. I saw it at the time, but I didn’t push it or buy it. The first reason is that the recent market makes people tired. The second is that the market was still very bad at that time. The third is that the funds are all in other coins, and I am too lazy to change, etc., which leads to the missed opportunity to double. I also haven’t studied the recently popular TRON first-level dog. I should continue to catch up with these later and study more.

#美国CPI数据连续第4个月回落 #新币挖矿TON #美国7月PPI低于预期