For most people, it is difficult to make money in this world.

As a working class, we work diligently every day, and earning 10,000 yuan a month is already a good job in the eyes of parents and elders.

But is this 10,000 yuan really enough for you?

For example, living in Shenzhen, the monthly rent is at least 4,000 yuan, plus other expenses, people who can save 3,000 yuan are quite explosive in the iron rooster world.

But for some people, making money is like drinking water, such as some scammers in the currency circle, they only need to gain your trust, and then try every means to get you to transfer the money out, and then...

Everyone must be careful, this circle is very cruel, everyone is staring at the money in your pocket, they will use the information gap​, even PUA you, and cheat all your hard-earned money.

It is difficult to make money, everyone must not trust anyone, even Thirteen.

Fortunately, Thirteenquan only charges membership fees, and does not touch anything else. This is the iron rule that Thirteen gives himself, whether it is first-level, pledged, agent investment, or local dog, etc., do not touch it.

I have hardly ever recommended Tugou to everyone, because I know very well that these are really a pile of shit.

Usually, some Tugou coins will directly transfer the coins to Vitalik's address to gain popularity in order to obtain credit endorsement.

Vitalik usually destroys all these garbage when cleaning his wallet, but recently Vitalik chose to cash out and donate the proceeds directly to charity.

Shisan thinks this is good. Anyway, the money comes from gamblers, and it is also good to use this money to do good things.

Tugou is really charming. The increase of dozens of times makes everyone mistakenly think that I am investing at a low position, and I will be financially free after dozens of times.

How can it be so simple?

Your position data is transparent to the dealer, and they will definitely withdraw from the pool before you make a move.

​Tugou track is a meat grinder for retail investors.

Everyone should be prepared to return to zero when participating.