How many thousands of dollars can you earn from fan-following in a month? A startup fan is 100, a legendary game fan is 130, and an online gambling fan is 81. It turns out that everyone's hobbies have become a price tag in the eyes of scammers. Hello everyone, today I will reveal the secret gray industry chain of fan-following, that is, the illegal sale of fan data.


What is fan-beating? In simple terms, it is traffic diversion, but this kind of unconventional traffic diversion is different from the formal traffic diversion, because the final destination of all the traffic diversion here is in the hands of the fraud gangs. We have said before that the control of telecommunications fraud in China is becoming more and more strict, and with the update of big data and anti-fraud algorithms, fraud can no longer be spread as widely as before.


Have you not received low-end fraudulent text messages saying you won a big prize on a certain platform for a long time? It’s not that such text messages can’t deceive people, but that they have been intercepted by domestic algorithms, so the scammers have also changed their fraud methods, from spreading a wide net to precise strikes. This is also difficult to take into account in China’s current anti-fraud efforts, and it is also a problem for anti-fraud efforts around the world.


Let's talk about the fans. Take the comment area as an example. As long as there are scammers in the comment area saying that they are poor but not lazy, the little leeks will leave messages asking for help. Here, I think of an emoticon package, "How to make money now? Scammer: Private. Leek: Please help me." It is really too vivid. You treat others as a big brother, but they just treat you as data to be packaged and sold.


This is actually the logic of a fan, which is to lure you from one scam to another scam, whether it is formal or informal, this kind of thing is simply selling personal data, and the normal way is to get you to buy something. The scammers want to cheat you of your money, in fact, they are all scams, one is a consumer scam, the other is a scam.


The most common ones are pure scams. The scammers will say in the comments, "I will teach you how to make fans. I will take back the fans. The tuition fee is 8888. You will laugh after learning." But when you really pay the money, you will not laugh anymore. Scammers usually send you a set of nonsense that does not make sense. I have also seen scammers directly send people an electronic version of Journey to the West, which is indeed a cyber scam.


How can he teach you when you can earn money without risk? Why should he teach you? And the front-end helps others to do fan work, how do you know if they are using it to commit fraud? How many fans are clean now? Except for the scammers who buy it back at a high price, who will buy it back at a high price now? This kind of thing is popular, it is nothing more than wanting to do private domain, want to cut leeks, and there are also scammers who are short of manpower and pull you in as a part-time job.


So in the end, I still want to remind you that there is no such thing as a free lunch. If someone has a way to make money, they must think of their parents first, not your online family. Well, that's all for this issue. If you think it helps you, please support it with one click. We will continue to update and expose the scam. See you next time.