The minutes of the Fed meeting will be released at 2 a.m. next Thursday. So it can be basically determined that the market will go up before Wednesday and go down after Wednesday. Pay attention to risk control in the short term and try not to trade in small positions.

Many people often wonder why a piece of information that is likely to be positive will also fall. This phenomenon will occur 1-2 times a month in the future bull market dominated by unilateral rising trends. The characteristic is that there are an average of 30 days a month, and almost 20 days are rising. Only a few days are slightly retreating and sideways, and then there are 1-2 days of big drops, and the drop is about 60% of the monthly increase. The time point of this big drop is the time point of the monthly Fed meeting minutes or the Fed wedge paper. Don't speculate that the information will definitely rise sharply. In the bull market, the information is basically positive. According to your logic, there is no possibility of falling. Is this really the case? If you reduce or clear your position in advance before the possible big drop every month in the future, your profit will be much higher than that of ordinary traders. This is a personal summary.