Who will hold the most Bitcoin in 2024? Will the price of Bitcoin reach a new high this year?

1. The overall distribution of Bitcoin

Due to the anonymity of blockchain, there is no specific answer to this question, but we can still use the data on the chain to get a basic understanding of the current Bitcoin held by individuals, institutions, and governments.

As of now, there are only 4 Bitcoin wallets with balances between 100,000 and 1 million BTC, accounting for about 3.6% of the total circulation. Among them, two wallets belong to Binance, one wallet belongs to Bitfinex, and one wallet belongs to Robinhood

But this does not mean that those bitcoins belong entirely to the corresponding exchanges, because a large part of the bitcoins held by the exchanges are actually users

But this does not mean that those bitcoins belong entirely to the corresponding exchanges, because a large part of the bitcoins held by the exchanges are actually users

Currently, there are more than 90 entities holding BTC or using BTC as an investment product and asset, and the cumulative BTC data held has reached 2,609,234 pieces

As for the market trend, whether the big bull can be seen before the end of this year (or the first quarter of next year), let's first look at the market performance in September and October. The main problem affecting the market at present is still liquidity, and liquidity mainly depends on the macroeconomic situation.

In short, the market is still in a critical adjustment period. There are both some favorable catalysts and some unfavorable factors. The risks during this period are often the greatest, and the market needs greater liquidity stimulation + new narrative stories to promote a big bull market.

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