About the reality of "earning 1% every day"

1. The attraction and challenge of compound interest:

Attractive in theory: Earning 1% compound interest every day sounds very attractive, but it is very difficult to achieve this goal in reality. The influence of market volatility and emotions makes it almost impossible to earn 1% stably every day.

2. Risk of uncertainty:

Risk accumulation: Even if the success rate is 60%, a 40% failure rate in multiple consecutive transactions will gradually accumulate risks. Especially when using leverage, a large loss may wipe out multiple small profits.

3. Human error:

Emotions and misjudgment: Investment is not a mechanized operation. Emotions, misjudgment, market black swan events, etc. may lead to large losses. Even if the success rate is high, a few major failures may lead to a huge blow.

Comprehensive advice

Steady strategy: When the market falls, appropriate replenishment can be considered, but the position must be strictly controlled to ensure the liquidity of funds. Do not blindly pursue the cost spread, and make decisions based on market trends and fundamentals.

Risk management: Always maintain adequate risk control measures and set stop-loss points to ensure that you will not suffer too much loss when the market continues to fall.

Mental preparation: The investment market is full of uncertainty, and you must be mentally prepared to deal with possible fluctuations to avoid affecting long-term strategies due to short-term fluctuations.

Diversified investment: Do not concentrate all your funds on one asset, diversification can reduce risks.

In the crypto market, flexibility and cautious investment are the keys to success.