From 2023 to 2024, the cryptocurrency market has entered a new stage. The market trend is completely irregular. Good news does not rise, and bad news does not fall. The market is so unpredictable. It is better to buy Bitcoin directly from the beginning and earn a double return steadily.

The cryptocurrency market has already polarized. For those veterans, the bull market is no longer the same as before. Many mainstream currencies are no longer strong, and new concept currencies have become the new favorites of the market. As long as you are bold and dare to enter the market, there are opportunities to make money; and those who still hold old coins can only sit on the roller coaster of wealth again and again, watching the ups and downs of assets.

For novices, they prefer to chase hot spots, pay less attention to faith, and care more about prices. The cheaper the coin, the more they like it, such as the inscription section and the meme section. The more zeros in front, the happier they are.

In the past year and a half, the difference between old leeks and new leeks has been verified. Old leeks stick to the old rules, leaving only faith, while the radical operations of new leeks make more money. This also shows that the value investment thinking of the old investors has been completely defeated by the swing trading thinking of the new investors, because the results are there.