There are three types of market voices:

1. There is no bull market

2. There is no copycat bull market

3. De-copycatization The above three points have caused panic in the entire market

Recently, the market has seen a violent up and down shuffle mode. I have said many times before that if most people are not shuffled to tears, why should they go bullish directly? I also heard that many people are extremely scared of cutting their meat. Correctly understanding the market and correctly evaluating the position may be the most correct mode!

The copycat fell, but the big cake did not fall. It is because they do not want to fall. The decline is limited, and scaring you is the main theme. There is no need to shout 30,000-40,000 in fear, nor to shout 80,000-100,000 by fomo. Multiple data show that these are all the results of dog dealers guiding your thinking.

The bull market is still the bull market worth looking forward to and super cashing. Remember, it may be epic. If you feel that many things are impossible, it means that you have been swayed by the market. Being used as a gun by the dog dealer, since everyone has entered this circle, let's go hand in hand and wait for the bull market!

#美国CPI数据连续第4个月回落 #美国7月PPI低于预期 #加密市场反弹 #美联储何时降息?