Everyone will experience lows, we must learn to self-regulate

1. Sleep is very important.

2. Don't be too introspective.

3. Get more sun, simple but very effective.

4. Take a walk to absorb the popularity, don't wear headphones. Go to the park, the vegetable market, and the flower market. Go to the square dance, watch the children roller skating, there is a special healing of life.

5. Watch movies and books at home, watch historical documentaries, and read short stories. It is easy to concentrate and have a sense of accomplishment

6. Don't stop exercising, you must not stop, it is very important to give it all the sweat and tears

7. Set a fixed time period for anxiety. Don't suppress or fight anxiety, set a fixed time every day to think about it, think about it during that time, think hard, and don't think about it afterwards.

8. Make a small plan every day. Small plan! Small plan! Simple and easy to complete

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