The winning rate in August is 100%, the operation is as follows:

August started with another big drop, so much so that the cryptocurrency world had a memorable date, “8.05”.

I believe that most spot traders are deeply trapped in this, and contract traders are wailing. Of course, there are gains and losses, and many people have made several times or even dozens of times the profit!

During this period, the Neng family was silent for a while. After all, in extreme market conditions, what we have to do is to protect the capital of our families. Facts have proved that our choice is wise. How many people died on the road of bargain hunting?

Our first contract operation started on August 6:

I was tricked into having sex, and my family members were very unhappy about not having meat to eat, but don’t worry, just read on.

On August 7, the second contract operation of this month was carried out:

Bitcoin has doubled its profit, and Ethereum has nearly six times its profit. What does that mean? If you only use one-tenth of your position for each order, the profit from these two orders can double your position!

The third operation of this month on 8.8:

This order can be said to be the most regrettable one this month, no doubt about it, it really broke my thigh, the increase was 10 points in one night, and I almost missed it! ! ! !

The fourth operation on August 9:

It is a pity that the short order was not taken up and another falling market was missed.

On August 10, I was reborn and vowed to take back everything I had lost! The fifth operation:

I succeeded in this life and got back everything that belonged to me! I got double the profit from the big cake and triple the profit from the ether! Another successful position reversal operation!

On August 11, after everything I experienced after my rebirth, I decided to take a day off to recuperate and prepare for the unexpected events ahead.

The sixth operation on August 12:

The difference of four knives was the position for placing an order, so the family members decisively seized the opportunity of the callback and got in, and once again got double the profit!

The seventh operation on August 13:

The original plan in the morning was to short, so I kept watching the market trend to find an entry point. When I found a trend of change, I decisively asked everyone to cancel the order, and then planned to go long, and successfully doubled the profit!

50 times leverage gives a 170% return rate, and 100 times leverage gives a 340% return rate!

I also entered the market manually and successfully made five times the profit!

The eighth operation on 8.14:

Today, we didn’t receive the Bitcoin, but Ethereum just reached our boarding position, and we successfully took down the five-point drop! If you follow your operating habits, how much profit will you get by following this order?

The ninth operation on August 15:

Yesterday, many people in the square were saying that the price would go up, which caused some family members to worry about not being able to get on the bus, and the family also recharged everyone's faith. Sure enough, they reversed the car in the middle of the night to pick us all up!

Bitcoin has a maximum increase of 2.95%, with a leverage of 100 times and a yield of 295%; Ethereum has a maximum increase of 3.13%, with a leverage of 100 times and a yield of 313%. Some positions are still being held!

August 16th is today, I am looking for opportunities, to be continued...

#美国CPI数据连续第4个月回落 #新币挖矿TON #美国7月PPI低于预期 #WBTC #新币挖矿 $BTC $ETH $TON