There are two logics for speculating on altcoins now:

1. Fulfillment of business growth expectations

The old DeFi projects follow this logic. In the last round of bull market, their growth trends after they were just launched and washed out have already fulfilled their business growth expectations in advance, and their mission has ended. Over time, their value will gradually be diluted by homogenized projects.

2. Fulfillment of future potential market value expectations

Speculate on public chains. After all public chains land on the secondary market, after a washout and sideways period, they usually have a wave of high multiples. But most of them cannot be sustained, just like the last round of AVAX, NEAR, FTM, MINA and other projects.

The market lacks two things now: liquidity and hot spots.

But in fact, only one thing is missing in essence: liquidity. Because hot spots can be artificially created. Once liquidity rises, there will naturally be no fewer hot spots.

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