The market is so volatile that it makes people irritable. If the market is not good, it is not recommended to open a position, but some people can't stand it. They always want to take a chance, just in case the bicycle turns into a motorcycle!

For example, for example, our social group's challenge of earning 100,000 yuan by earning 5k, we don't open orders every day, but the entry strategy is based on market changes. Just like the surge and plunge at night two days ago, we also seized the opportunity and successfully doubled our positions by nearly three times! (Below is a real-time position when we open an order every time) Those who are interested can take a look!

Remember that opening an order is not blindly opening, you must have your own logic and follow the changes in the market!

For example, you buy spot at a small high point, and you know that the bull market will explode when it comes

But the wash before the bull market comes will make your fear infinitely increase

At this time, if you can't resist your own beliefs, you may cut your losses and leave the market, which achieves the purpose of the dealer's wash.

But after resisting the wash, you will think that you will get out of the trap when you can, so you will not only fail to make money, but also leave the market with a floating loss. The result is that you miss the bull market.

This is the time to test your mentality the most

If you are confused. Don't know what to do, you can find Bingtang, Bingtang will help you capture the next opportunity in the market

#新币挖矿TON #加密市场反弹