Bitcoin fell below 60,000 again, and Ethereum couldn't even stand at 2,700. The market this week was not very big, but if we only look at the fluctuations, there is already a large range in operation. I personally think that there will be a good unilateral market in the near future. Everyone should make reasonable judgments based on their own situation and don't blindly arrange the layout.

[August 15th Big Pancake Auntie Morning Market Analysis]

Yesterday's currency price once touched the high of 62,000/2,800, and then began to retreat with three consecutive negative lines on the hourly chart and once fell below the integer support point, indicating that the current position of 60,000 and 2,700 is not as stable as it seems. The day before yesterday, I also said that if the position cannot be maintained, there will definitely be a retracement. If this situation occurs repeatedly, we should think about how to adjust the subsequent layout.

From the daily line, it maintains a rhythm of two steps forward and one step back, and once the US stock market opens, the market will be very unstable. Observe that yesterday's correction was shown in the form of three consecutive negative lines, which is more common in the process of strong correction. Last night, the US market rose and fell, and it fell again in the morning today and began to repair the pattern. Today, the Asian and European markets can see a rebound, but it is not expected to continue too deep. The US market should still pay attention to its correction.

Operation suggestions

[Big Pie]

Short around 60000-60500

Target 58000-57000

Defense 61000 (depending on the individual entry point)

Break through 56000


Short around 2720-2750

Target 2500-2400

Defense 2800

Break through 2300

#美国7月PPI低于预期 #美国CPI数据连续第4个月回落 #新币挖矿TON #美联储何时降息? #加密市场反弹 $BTC $ETH