DOGS Mint is over and apparently you will need to pay to get tokens. If we correctly understand what appeared in the application. An unpleasant surprise, but those who have already worked with drops know that this is not something incredible.

An Airdrop Checklist has appeared in the menu. In its list:

- be subscribed to DOGS Community,

- be subscribed to DOGS in X,

- install Tonkeeper,

- get gas for Stars.

The last point is not entirely clear. Why gas is needed for Stars. We are waiting for clarification from the team.

ps: "meme stickers" are also presented. With the slogans "create your own unique Dogs", "collect rare ones", "mint and sell your stickers on the NFT marketplace", "you have already received some unique stickers". The price of 100 DOGS is listed. Here, too, little is clear. We will buy something if the price is like that. But in general, NFT is not our thing.