Comparing the airdrop of Runestone and the airdrop of Bayc in April, looking back now, Dog has fallen below the airdrop price.

Looking at various memes in the long term, whether it is doge, Bayc, inscriptions, runes, or Bome, they are basically a wave, and few have broken through the previous high.

The liquidity of this cycle is completely different from that of the 2021 cycle. The supply chain of memes in this cycle has increased exponentially compared to that of the 2021 cycle.

In this case, can we still expect the old meme to bloom with new flowers?

The overall market of memes cannot be seen, because the flood of 2021 is difficult to reproduce

The structural market of memes will still exist, because human nature is immortal

But the meme that rises again may not be the meme you have on hand, because it is not a new meme.