What coins are worth buying?
Now the market value of SATS has exceeded ORDI. It is not recommended to buy it now. You can wait for it to return to the 0.00028 position to enter the market. The highest position can only be seen at 0.00032. Unless the bull market comes, this token may reach a new high.
ORDI, as the leader of the inscription sector, has now been surpassed by SATS in market value. It was once called the most promising inscription token. As the ecology of BRC-20, the state of the ORDI ecosystem is active. The current price is 30 US dollars. It is not recommended to buy it now. The callback to around 26 is the most suitable position. You can see the 48 position above.
wif, hat dog, the meme coin in the SOL ecosystem, is completely available at the current position. SOL pulled up too fast in the early stage. Now there is a callback. Wait for the market to recover. The price of wif is expected to return to the 2.4 position.
This week is another data week. The market fluctuations will definitely be large. You can buy several existing tokens after the data is released.
Remember, if you regard your investment as a long-term investment, the market decline should be seen as an opportunity. It provides an opportunity to buy more tokens at a lower price. It is crucial to develop a strategy before making any purchases, and never invest all your money in it.
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