Let's talk about the issue of going long and going short:

I said before that I think going long and going short are the same.

Shorting is more difficult and faster;

Going long is less difficult and slower.

About going long:

1. Industry dividends. For most people, the money we earn is the dividend of the overall upward trend of the industry. As long as we know that the industry is upward as a whole, then we will naturally make a profit by eating natural growth;

2. Psychological pressure. The psychological pressure of going long (spot is also considered going long) is less than that of going short. If it is idle money investment, the cycle is correct, the place to get on the bus is not too bad, and the utilization rate of funds is not so high, it is in line with the saying "make friends with time". Hold good tickets and you can make a profit.

About short selling:

1. The fake moves of short sellers before the start of the trend will be much more intense than those of long sellers, because basically most people in the market are long sellers, and short sellers are on the opposite side of the market;

2. The psychological pressure will be much greater. As many friends often say, spot trading will not explode, but short selling will;

Why do I say that long and short selling are the same?

Think about it, we are all market participants. If the 4-year cycle is drawn as a ⭕️, we are just going back and forth in this circle and then going to the next circle.