It is not easy to make long-term profits in this market. But as long as you master the right method and maintain a good attitude, I believe you will be able to reap a lot and a sense of accomplishment in this market. But if you want to make continuous profits, you still have to have a scale in your heart.

First, you must recognize that there are always investment risks. You have to learn to put on a "seat belt" for yourself. Don't put all your funds in one basket. Diversified investment is the kingly way. Set a stop loss point for yourself. In case the market is not strong, you can withdraw in time and not lose everything.

It is also very important to choose the right currency. Don't just look at which currency is rising fast and rush in. You have to see whether the team of this currency is strong, whether the technology is strong, whether there are real application scenarios, and whether the friends in the community are enthusiastic. Choosing the right currency with potential is like planting a money tree. You have to wait patiently for it to grow up.

Next, it's time to keep it. Don't stare at the market every day, buy and sell for a while, your heart can't stand it, and your wallet can't stand it. Spot is about the word "stable". Set your own profit target, then hold it with peace of mind and wait for the gift of time. Of course, if there is an opportunity, don't forget to invest the money you earn again. This is called reinvestment, which can make your money bag grow like a snowball.

However, this market is not static. You have to keep an eye on its movements, especially those major trends that may affect prices. For example, the latest progress in blockchain technology, which country has issued new policies, all of these must be known in mind. When the opportunity comes, you can grab it and make a steady profit.

Finally, I want to say that in this market, you have to keep a heart that loves to learn. The world changes too fast, and new technologies and new policies emerge in an endless stream. You have to be prepared at all times, accept new knowledge, and adapt to new environments. Only in this way can you go further and more steadily in this field full of opportunities and challenges.