Looking ahead to the next bull run: expectations and strategies

As market trends become clearer, we expect the next bull run to last 8 to 14 months, with potentially more volatile market volatility. In response to this expectation, here is our in-depth analysis of possible market scenarios:

Scenario 1: The bull run is expected to kick off in late 2024 and peak between May and July 2025. In this scenario, the market may experience a smaller peak or dead cat bounce in late 2025 after hitting a new all-time high. However, this scenario is seen as less likely given the expected monetary easing and the depreciation trend of global fiat currencies, which could jointly push the cryptocurrency market to a new peak.

Scenario 2: According to classic market cycle theory, the bull run will start in November 2024 and last a full year until November 2025. This scenario represents a robust expectation for the market.

Scenario 3: Drawing on the market dynamics in 2023 and early 2024, we propose another possibility that the bull market could last for more than 14 months and could extend to as long as 20 months. Of course, given the high uncertainty in the current market, the accuracy of this forecast will be highly dependent on future market data.

Supercycle: A potential scenario worth watching

Although not the core of all conservative forecasts, the possibility of a supercycle cannot be ignored. In this scenario, the bull market could last for more than 14 months and could even extend to 26 months. Although this scenario is unprecedented, it is still a potential scenario worthy of our in-depth analysis and preparation given the complexity of the global financial environment and the growing acceptance of cryptocurrencies.

Growth Potential and Strategic Recommendations for the Next Bull Market

No matter how the market evolves, the next bull market heralds significant growth opportunities. Various scenario analyses show that the market has great potential. We should be cautious when predicting the future, but we should also recognize that the prospects for cryptocurrencies are full of hope. #加密市场反弹 #美国7月非农就业增长放缓 #美联储何时降息?