These cryptocurrencies can increase your production by 10 times during the bull market, no problem, but the key is, can you hold on until the bull market really comes? Currently, the date is set at August 11, 2024. According to the current market price assessment, the value of your holdings has shrunk significantly, and there may have been multiple trading attempts during this period. If you are not a senior currency player or an explorer of financial freedom, and only regard funds as game chips, then facing this situation, you may be experiencing a double test of psychology and finance. Obviously, judging from your holdings, you may be in such a situation, and your heart may be rippling.

The continuous shock and downward movement of the market is often a harsh test before the dawn of the bull market. Since the expectation of Bitcoin halving, the market has entered a downturn, and after the halving, this torment continues. Many new friends entered the cryptocurrency circle with the dream of achieving financial freedom, but they did not expect that their assets would shrink drastically at the beginning of their dream, their confidence would be frustrated, and they even felt desperate about the future of the cryptocurrency circle. #TON #美联储何时降息? #加密市场反弹 #美国7月非农就业增长放缓