Hi, I am engaged in earning on airdrops in crypto. In this article I will tell you who are Sybils using the example of receiving a drop from a project and what kind of attack is Sybil, Sybil or Sybil, it doesn't matter.

In this wild and unpredictable world of crypto, where every token could be a gem and every project could be the “next lifechange”, some people have a clever trick to make more profits from a Sybil attack.

What is a Sybil attack?

Before we get into the details, let’s first understand what a Sybil attack is. The name comes from a famous case of multiple personality disorder (this example is taken from a real-life story of a girl named Sybil Dorsett, who suffered from dissociative identity disorder, a mental phenomenon known as multiple personalities, and she had 16 of them!). In the world of cryptocurrency, a Sybil attack occurs when someone creates a bunch of fake identities or accounts in order to collect a reward not in one wallet, but in a couple dozen/hundreds/thousands.

Imagine that a project distributes an airdrop to users, and one person, instead of $100 for one wallet, receives $100 for hundreds, and this is already a tidy sum. Then, calmly hitting the glass with such a sum in the form of project tokens at the start of sales, the price is dumped. And it turns out that the project did not have 50 thousand active users, but only 10 thousand.

To create such a profile farm, you just need to have a few tools. First, an anti-detect browser with multiple profiles, each with its own individual fingerprint and search history. Individual proxies. And of course, do not cross all this with each other, do not link transactions in wallets and do not do identical actions. We simply create the appearance of participation of completely different people.

Of course, projects fight against such multi-accounters, there are certain clusters for filtering out dishonest community members. But unfortunately, most often the sybils win. But recently, the scales are beginning to tip in favor of projects distributing drops, the minimum threshold for receiving tokens is increasing, the minimum balances in networks, the number of transactions in the Ethereum network (too high costs for a large profile farm), the number of active days, participation in AMA and social networks and much more.

The sybil attack has its advantages. For example, there is a powerful load on the product, metrics that can be shown to investors increase, and the team itself is guilty of distributing airdrops to itself and insiders. Therefore, in this heap it is difficult to make out real users, the team, sybils and insiders.

Subscribe to my channel in TG, there I talk about earnings on retrodrops/airdrops. (link in the profile header)

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