Hi, I have been receiving airdrops from crypto projects for over a year, now this is my main job and income, and I can already share with you my experience and ways to get free tokens for your work.

Many people think that you need some initial capital to get retro/airdrops, yes, this is partly true. The bigger your bank at the start, the more flexible you become. But there are activities in which you do not pay anything, but spend only your time, these are testnets.

What is a testnet?

Testnets are test versions of blockchains that are used by developers to test the functionality, security, and stability of the network before it is launched on the main network (mainnet). Testnets allow developers to experiment with new features, smart contracts, and updates without the risk of losing real funds.

How to participate in testing?

Users can participate in testnets by receiving test tokens that have no real value but can be rewarded with airdrops or other bonuses after a successful launch of the project on the mainnet. You can read how to find relevant testnets in thisarticle.

What should be done in testnets?

First, we get test tokens in faucets and use them to perform operations.

  • Transactions: Send and receive test tokens to test network performance, fees, and transaction speeds.

  • Interacting with Smart Contracts: Use decentralized applications (dApps), enter into smart contracts, conduct transactions and test new features.

  • Liquidity Provision: Contribute test tokens to liquidity pools and participate in testing DeFi applications such as exchanges and lending platforms.

  • Voting and Management: Participate in voting or make management decisions if provided for in the project being tested.

  • Bug Reports: If a user finds any bugs or issues, they can report them to the developers, which will help improve the project.

  • Community Activity: Actively participate in discussions on forums, social networks and other platforms, sharing your experiences and suggestions for improving the project.

How long does the activity last?

On average, activity can last from several weeks to several months. From my experience, I will say that it takes about 6 months, then the project is launched in the mainnet.

When is the airdrop being distributed?

Generally, token distribution starts when the token goes to mainnet or TGE. TGE can happen on the day of mainnet release or later.

How much can you earn?

The amounts vary greatly. Sometimes a project can give away several thousand dollars (I personally had such a case), and sometimes a commemorative NFT, which costs $5. Of course, the latter happens extremely rarely, a huge community (us) does not allow itself to be offended and destroys social networks, and as a result, 90% of users leave the project, each work should be rewarded, especially since the developers received free labor.


- no costs
- no risk of losing your own funds
- a large selection of projects

- a large number of users (not always)
- mostly not big rewards
- long-term activity

I tell you more about receiving airdrops on my TG (link in the profile header)

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