When the bull market is correcting, remember to hold and hold again!

Patience, patience, and patience. Don't toss.

1. A round of market basically takes four years as a bull-bear cycle.

2. Long-term holding is the most effective way to make big money.

The best time for you to hold is at the beginning of the bull market, or buy it at the low point of the transition and correction between the first and second stages.

3. The currently undervalued big bull coins will have a big rise one day, it's just a matter of time.

4. Most people's biggest regret for the currency in their hands in the bull market is basically that they didn't hold it, not that they didn't buy it!

5. Don't think about making money with spot every day. Spot money often makes money in an instant. Many coins may not rise for a long time in the early stage. Once they rise, they will rise several times.

So the bull market focuses on the results, not the process. Everyone must be more anxious about the ups and downs of the process, but as long as we finally get a result we want, it is a good operation! It is the right operation!