Confirmed, the bull market is coming! It is predicted that the Fed will cut interest rates in September! The Fed's interest rate cut will symbolize the United States' defeat in financial competition, which may pose a threat to the United States' global hegemony. In the next two months, we will witness huge fluctuations and turbulence in the US stock market.

I mentioned the decline of US hegemony before, and now we are talking about market turbulence rather than sharp declines, because turbulence provides investors with more opportunities to escape the market, and even short hedging requires a counterparty. Therefore, market turbulence will become the dominant trend. The real sharp decline may occur after the announcement of the interest rate cut.

In these two months, domestic capital in the United States will face severe pressure to flee, and the risk is extremely high. For those investors who have invested in overseas ETFs, it is recommended to start considering retreat strategies. Instead of leaving funds in high-risk areas, it is better to choose to invest in treasury bonds to obtain stable returns.

At present, except for the A-share market, other stock markets around the world are close to setting new highs, and the US interest rate hike policy has become difficult to maintain. Since the size of the US national debt has exceeded 35 trillion, the per capita debt is more than 100,000 US dollars, so the trend of capital outflow from the United States is becoming more and more obvious. So where will these outflows go? The answer is the A-share market.

Although the US media frequently mentions investment opportunities in A-shares and points out that they are at a historical low, we still need to remain vigilant. I expect that the A-share market will go through a period of consolidation or suppression in the next two months. This is because funds need to find low-priced chips, and suppression will provide opportunities for this process. Before September, the market may be in a relatively consolidation state, but it is expected to enter a stage of scrambling after September. With the end of the transfer and financing policy in September, it is expected that a decade-long slow bull market will be opened by then.

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