ETH violently rebounded📈📈Bull signal released⁉️

Bitcoin directly broke through the bull-bear dividing line 60400, the ultimate short-washing and long-selling method, does it mean a sharp rise in the market📈

Bitcoin has directly stood on the long-short dividing line 60400. After breaking through 60400, I think the previous decline is just to burst the long positions and wash the long positions to lure the short positions👌You can observe the subsequent retracement. If it does not fall below the 60400 to 58400 area, then the subsequent trend is a bullish pattern 📈

The previous plunge from 70,000 to 49,000 has already liquidated and washed out enough longs, and also lured enough shorts. A few days ago, everyone criticized ETH and said that he was not competitive. I have said that the rise of Ethereum is all in a flash. Its market is small, and the rise will not be as gradual as the big cake. The rise is almost a wave. So if you are bullish, don’t short it just because Ethereum is weak. This is the most basic logic.

#TON #加密市场反弹