Being a KOL, I’m really afraid of encountering this kind of idiot 🤮🤮I think it’s the existence of this kind of idiot that makes the KOL ecology in the cryptocurrency circle worse and worse, because more and more low-IQ and low-moral creatures are entering the cryptocurrency circle, which has caused countless KOL scammers in the cryptocurrency circle‼ ️‼ ️

Why would there be scammers if there were no fools⁉️Friends in the cryptocurrency circle, if everyone becomes smart, will there still be room for scammers⁉️

On July 30, the entire network publicly broadcast live. You can check out the recording in my article. The live broadcast is recorded. Go and listen. The entire network publicly called for buying XRP around 0.5 or 0.49, and it will rise sharply in the future📈📈📈 and the reason for the sharp rise is clear, because XRP will win the lawsuit against the SEC. Is it that this round of Bitcoin crash just happened to cause XRP to fall to 0.49, allowing tens of thousands of fans to all get on board, and today XRP won the lawsuit and rose by 22%, becoming the only coin that rose violently during the crash⁉️Is there any doubt about this? The public facts are enough for other KOLs to brag for a long time, right? This kind of macro-level prediction can be so accurate, am I bragging? I am not? I just casually posted that I made money and that was it. I was originally happy to share everyone's money making. But he has a mental retardation. He wants to chase the high of 0.6. He said that you promoted XRP, I bought it and lost money. The whole network is still promoting Bitcoin. Bitcoin will break 100,000 sooner or later. You bought a Bitcoin at 70,000. Now it has fallen, you also criticize the whole network⁉️I really worked hard to share the investment research report with everyone for free, and directly bought the strongest surge in the collapse of the copycat. This idiot is still here to criticize. I really don’t feel comfortable. I can only say that the currency circle is such a low-IQ and mentally retarded leeks. There are too many people with FOMO, so there are so many scam bloggers who can harvest fans at will, and there are so many air coins that are cut in half at the opening to harvest retail investors. I really think there are many scammers in the currency circle, but sometimes I look at the low-IQ mouth corners of these leeks who don’t know good people, and their small-scale thinking. I really think there is a reason why there are so many scammers in the currency circle. I can only say that I am disappointed🙄

#TON #Ripple于诉讼中取得部分胜利