Bitcoin hits the key pressure level of 58,000📉📉ETH continues to fall and rebounds weakly, long or short⁉️

After Bitcoin fell below 49,000 in the past two days, it completed a wave of oversold rebound, and the straight line V from 49,000 exceeded 9,000 points, approaching 58,000. It is already very close to the upper edge of the wide range of fluctuations I told you about. 📉

So last night, after approaching this wide range of fluctuations, I kept reminding everyone to enter the short position at 2530 to 2560. At present, this short position has been closed. It can be seen that after entering the market, it fell straight from around 2550 to the lowest 2300 this morning, and the floating profit has exceeded 240 points (Figure 1 below)💰💰

Then the subsequent return of Ethereum is relatively strong, coupled with the previous weak decline. This morning, a violent rebound started along the support band of 2320~2350📈

So you can observe the breakout of 2320~2350.

If the pin does not break through this area in this round of decline this afternoon, Ethereum may have to go through a wave of rebound and repair in the future👌
