I think there is a reason why everyone lost so much money in this round of plunge‼ ️

First, you guessed the top. After Bitcoin reached 70,000, you guessed that it would probably break through the new high to 80,000 or even 100,000. This is the first mistake, guessing the top‼ ️

Second, after it fell to 62,000, you guessed the bottom, thinking that this was a correction before the surge. This is the second mistake, guessing the bottom‼ ️

The big taboo in trading is to guess the bottom and the top. If you guess all of them, you will suffer a big loss. As I said before, respect the trend. The first thing to do when you get up in the morning is to review all the K-lines of yesterday and the day before yesterday to determine whether it is a downward or upward trend now📉After making a good judgment, all the orders opened today are based on this trend. You will find that you will never lose a lot of money. Those who can understand this sentence will have unlimited trading ability in the future. Dedicated to those who are destined💪

#加密市场反弹 #美联储何时降息?