Pay attention to ⚠important strategy️⚠️Unfavorable signals appear in the Bitcoin market, the hourly line crosses, and the risk may rise⚠️⚠️

Please wait patiently, do not blindly chase the rise due to a small rebound, and avoid falling into the trap again. The current market is unstable, but the prospects are bright. Stay calm, avoid unnecessary risks, protect your principal, and don't come to Lao Liu again to say that the market has come and the position is gone!

Pay attention to subsequent analysis and wait for a more stable bottom to form before taking action!

Today's stable strategy: Patiently wait for Bitcoin (BTC) to pull back to 55089 to take more, and the target is 57010.

Ethereum pulls back to 2476 to take more, and the target is 2605.

#加密市场急跌 #黑天鹅 #美国7月非农就业增长放缓 #JumpTrading转移资产 $BTC $ETH