Yesterday must have been an unforgettable day. The exchange rate fell by more than 10,000 points in 24 hours, and most global stock markets also collapsed. The exchange rate fell all the way from the high of 61,000, and finally stopped falling at 48,888 and began to bottom out and rebound. In the evening, the US stock market opened low and rose, which also led to a wave of Bitcoin's rise. The midnight flight situation fell under pressure and then bottomed out and rebounded. The high point hit the 55,500 line again. The current market is still in the correction stage. The recent market fluctuations are large, and intraday fluctuations of several thousand points are also a common phenomenon. It is recommended that everyone learn more and improve their own control ability in this market.

From the current market, the upper and lower shadows of the daily line are elongated, and most of them are recovered in the evening. This is good news for the current exchange rate. After a sharp dive, it recovered 7,000 points. Such a callback is a normal phenomenon. From the hourly line, the current exchange rate is gradually stabilizing and fluctuating in a wide range. Technical indicators show that the bullish momentum has become weak, and it is expected that this fluctuation range will not be broken in the short term. The current exchange rate is at a high level of fluctuation. In the morning, we will treat it as a high-level bearish strategy.

Bitcoin 55000-55300 short, target around 54000

Ethereum 2480-2500 short, target around 2400. #加密市场急跌 #JumpTrading转移资产 #美国7月非农就业增长放缓 #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息?