Now a certain whale has increased its holdings by 6,000 ethers. This means that this market is not a policy correction. Because there has been no news so far. First, it may be a technical correction. Second, it is affected by global panic. It has only fallen so much today. But today, the focus should be on the opening trend of the US stock market. As I said today, if 48888 does not fall below this market, it can reverse at any time. The KDJ of the larger daily K-line has already turned upward. And today is a large volume. If today's long lower shadow is closed, then tonight's market... Make up your own mind. Make your own decisions on the public orders. The high-end market is the best $ETH #加密市场急跌 #JumpTrading转移资产 #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息?