Here we have a table with the monthly returns of Bitcoin from 2013 to 2024. So, what do we see? 👀

1. Bitcoin is a roller coaster on steroids 🚀🎢. Look at these swings! Upswings of 400% and downswings of 30% in one month? This is no joke!

2. Let's be honest: everything is so unpredictable here that even professionals sometimes don't know what to expect. 📉📈 For example, March 2020 showed a drop of almost 25%, and already in April of the same year - an increase of 34%. 🌞🌨️

3. Conclusion: if you are not ready for such extreme swings - it is better to stay away. 🤚😅 But if you are looking for thrills and the opportunity to double or triple your investment in a short time - welcome to the world of Bitcoin. 🧨💣

#BTC #Bitcoin #Green_lamp $BTC

4. Trending story: If you look at the average and median values ​​over all these years, you can see a certain pattern. The averages for January and February are green 📈, meaning that these are the months that most often see growth. 🎰💰