If the United States wants to solve the 35 trillion debt, I think there are two possibilities.

1. Through military aggression

2. Through financial means

Discuss military aggression and financial means separately

1. Military aggression

Military aggression requires huge military expenditures, including weapons procurement, military mobilization, and logistics support. These expenses will not only increase the fiscal burden of the United States, but may also aggravate the debt problem. For example, the Russian-Ukrainian war is a loss-making business, and the profits earned through the war are far from covering its costs. Military conflict will undermine international trust and trade relations, damage the international market of American companies, affect the economic growth of the United States and the world, and indirectly aggravate the debt problem. At the same time, military aggression may also lead to condemnation from international legal and moral constraints.

2. Financial means

The United States has a dominant position in the world through the dollar and oil economy, and has harvested the world, but its credit has seriously declined in recent years. Oil gradually supports the purchase of other currencies such as the RMB, and the status of the dollar is precarious. Therefore, the practice of repaying US debt by printing dollars is no longer feasible. A new economy is needed, and this new economy needs to be fair, open, and transparent, so that people all over the world can trust it. Among the currently known currencies, Bitcoin has these characteristics. The United States may control the global economy by holding a large amount of Bitcoin and use Bitcoin to repay debts. Based on Trump's US presidential campaign speech and the popularity of Bitcoin in the United States, I have reason to believe this possibility.

If the United States holds 70% of the number of Bitcoins, that is, about 14 million Bitcoins, and uses Bitcoin to repay $35 trillion in debt, how much should a Bitcoin be worth?

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