The core of profit is the winning rate and the profit-loss ratio.

If the profit-loss ratio is low, the winning rate is also low, and there will be losses.

If the profit-loss ratio is poor, it means that there are problems with stop-profit and stop-loss.

If the winning rate is poor, it means that there are problems with judging the market and timing.

If the profit-loss ratio is large, it means that you are good at making a small bet for a big gain.

If the winning rate is high, it means that the judgment is accurate.

You can only choose one between the profit-loss ratio and the winning rate. This is a mathematical problem that cannot be solved by human power.

The core of the big trend is the profit-loss ratio. The core of the oscillating band is the winning rate. #美国7月非农就业增长放缓 #美联储何时降息? #美国政府转移BTC