From the current structural trend, the intraday trend is a wide range of stop-loss structure. It hit a high of 65534 overnight and stagnated, then fell back strongly. In the morning, it continued to fall to 60473 to stop falling, and then rebounded upward to form a correction structure trend. Wei Yi's long orders arranged last night gave Xiaosun to leave the market, and later a layout in the day also made up for yesterday's losses after a day.

In terms of trend, at 20:30 last night, under the influence of non-agricultural and various favorable news, Wei Yi also gave an upward idea. Like most people, he may have fallen into the trap. Under the influence of the news, the market trend in the future formed a unilateral decline trend, and there was no sign of bullishness. This also shows that the news is sometimes a misunderstanding, and the K-line is real. Most people also leave with regret. In addition, after reaching the bottom of 60473, the rebound formed a correction trend. From the trend of the day, the market this weekend is not big. In the short term and tomorrow, we can continue to pay attention to the correction. So from the current structural trend, the morning is also a low test to rebound upward, so we can continue to look up with 60500 as the long-short dividing line.

Big cake idea: more around 61400, target 64000

Ether idea: more around 2970, target 3150$BTC $ETH #美国7月非农就业增长放缓 #美联储何时降息? #美国政府转移BTC #超级央行周 #比特币大会