📉 Musk said the United States is heading for bankruptcy, and the U.S. debt bubble is about to burst! Musk cited data from a report, pointing out that the current U.S. debt interest has reached 35 trillion U.S. dollars, equivalent to 76% of the personal income tax levied by the government. Based on this calculation, the U.S. debt interest will exceed 1.14 trillion U.S. dollars in fiscal year 2024. What is the concept of 1.14 trillion? The GDP of Saudi Arabia, a wealthy country in the Middle East, will be 1.05 trillion U.S. dollars in 2023, and the interest on U.S. debt has exceeded its GDP! 😱 The Federal Reserve is currently in a dilemma: Continue to raise interest rates: interest will become usury, which is unbearable for banks. The model of borrowing new to repay old cannot be sustained, and the credit of the U.S. dollar will be severely hit. Cut interest rates: Send a signal to the world that the economic growth rate is not strong, and U.S. stocks may fall sharply. Faced with the dilemma of raising and lowering interest rates, the Federal Reserve may choose to falsify: GDP growth rate: The U.S. GDP grew by 1.6% in the first quarter, but power generation fell by 1.9% year-on-year, and the economic data was full of doubts. Taxation: The individual income tax revenue calculated by the Ministry of Finance based on the GDP growth rate is low, and the individual income tax collected in April is 20% less than expected. Employment data: California actually lost 32,000 jobs, but the federal government announced an increase of 117,000 jobs, which is a huge data difference.


The United States is now like a gambler, with fewer and fewer cards in hand, but still holding on. False data cannot cover up the real economic problems after all. We need to do a good job of risk isolation and wait and see how this drama ends.

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