Here are some key points for retail investors in the cryptocurrency circle to share with you! [Follow! Reference!]


1. Keep a close eye on the trend of Bitcoin

In the cryptocurrency circle, Bitcoin often leads the ups and downs. Although Ethereum is sometimes strong and can go out of an independent market, most altcoins are affected by it.

2. Pay attention to the relationship between Bitcoin and USDT

Bitcoin and USDT often move in opposite directions. When USDT rises, you need to be alert to Bitcoin's decline. When Bitcoin rises, it is an opportunity to buy USDT.

3. Seize the trading opportunity in the early morning

From 0 to 1 o'clock every day, it is easy to see the phenomenon of pin insertion. Domestic currency friends can set the buying price of the favorite currency at a low price before going to bed, and the selling price at a high price, or there may be a surprise transaction, and easy profit.

4. Observe the ups and downs in the early morning

6 to 8 o'clock every morning is the key period for judging whether to buy or sell. If the price keeps falling from 0 to 6 o'clock, it is advisable to buy or cover the position, and the price will rise more on the same day; if the price keeps rising, it is advisable to sell, and the price will fall more on the same day.

5. Pay attention to the fluctuation time in the afternoon

Pay special attention to 5 o'clock in the afternoon. Due to the time difference, American currency friends start to operate, which may cause the price of the currency to fluctuate. Many big rises and falls occur here.

6. Be careful of "Black Friday"

There is a saying of "Black Friday" in the currency circle. Although there is a big drop on Friday, there are also big rises or sideways. Just pay attention to the news.

7. Be patient with falling currencies

If the currency with a certain trading volume falls, don't worry. Patiently hold it and you can get your money back. It can be as short as 3 or 4 days or as long as one month. If you have extra money, you can cover your position in batches to speed up the return. Unless it is a junk currency.

8. Adhere to long-term spot trading

For spot trading, long-term holding of the same currency and less trading often yields more than frequent trading. It depends on whether you have patience.

9. Pay attention to external factors

The turbulence in the cryptocurrency circle is affected by many factors, such as the attitude of various countries towards cryptocurrencies, which will fall if they are negative; US financial policies; the views of bigwigs on cryptocurrencies, such as Musk's remarks. You need to pay attention to financial news.

10. Maintain a good mentality for cryptocurrency trading

The mentality for cryptocurrency trading is crucial. Don't panic when the price drops sharply, don't be arrogant when the price rises sharply, and take the money and be safe.