Summary of Friday, August 3:

From the current structural trend, it fell back in the morning, and moved up in the afternoon. The upward pressure was around 65,500, and the bottom line support in the intraday swing was around 63,500. In the evening, it rebounded in the afternoon and reached the intraday upward pressure of 65,500, and was affected by the non-agricultural data. In the evening, it fell strongly after receiving the high pressure during the day. In the day, the big cake took more than 3,000 points of space, and the ether took more than 110 points of space, and the long in the evening was still being held.

In terms of trend, from the daily line, the K line formed a double bottom support platform, and it was stagnant at 70,081 in the early stage, fell back to 62,271 to stop the decline and rebounded upward, and was suppressed near 65,500. It closed positive yesterday, so the daily line was formed by the shock adjustment of the 65,500-62,000 range. From a short-term perspective, it forms a W-shaped pattern, which means that there is a rebound before the end of the downward trend, and then it falls again, the decline tends to ease, stops near the previous low price, and starts to rise. So from the current trend structure, the market can continue to rise and rebound.

Big Pie Idea: 62000-5000, target 65000

Ether Idea: 2980-3000, target 3160$BTC $ETH #美国7月非农就业增长放缓 #美联储何时降息? #美国政府转移BTC #超级央行周 #比特币大会