Rebirth: I Killed Justin Sun

Chapter 1: The Past

On August 1, 2024, Sun Yucong experienced the darkest moment of his life!

"Snap" A black folding screen mobile phone was thrown out from a silver Yadi sports car, and the phone rolled onto the lawn not far from the car.

A golden financial push message appeared on the screen of the phone that had not been completely broken: Black Thursday! Cryptocurrency TRX crashed - Crypto market battle royale!

The young man who threw the mobile phone out of the Yadi sports car is named Sun Yucong, and he is 27 years old.

In 2017, because he was studying for a master's degree in California, he found a job as a night soil collector to make a living. The job was too boring and he wanted to change the way he spent his leisure time and earn some extra money.

I heard that speculating in cryptocurrencies can make you rich overnight. So I took all the money I had saved from years of collecting feces and entered this so-called

"value investment"

“One day in the cryptocurrency world is like one year in the real world”

A virtual currency market where “one coin, one villa” is offered.

When choosing a currency, you often chase the rise and fall, and your earnings will always fluctuate countless times.

Finally one day, through the recommendation of the group owner of a so-called "internal exclusive" community, I bought a contract for a#TRXtoken with a fifty-fold leverage.

I didn’t expect that the group owner’s information was quite reliable. In just two days, I saw the account balance increase from one million to two million.

But it only lasted for two days. When Sun Yucong was watching the recent popular Wolf Boy,

A push notification came from the Huobi exchange software on my phone: TRX coin fell rapidly.

20:00: The net value of the remaining 2 million directly shrank to 1.5 million.

Just when Sun Yucong was thinking about whether to cut his losses, after all, he could still make half a million dollars if he did so now.

But the owner of the internal recommendation group on my phone posted a group announcement: Stay calm! We can win.

Looking at the group leader’s previous god-like recommendation, Sun Yucong thought about it and decided not to sell at a loss.

But within half an hour, the balance dropped from 1.5 million to 1 million, a full halving.

Damn it, whether to cut the meat or not.

Now I can still protect my capital by selling at a loss. At this time, the evil group leader sent another announcement: "The one-hour bottom divergence has formed. It will rebound soon!"

At 9:45 p.m., Sun Yucong's left eyelid twitched as he watched the balance on Huobi Exchange jump from one million U.S. dollars to nine hundred thousand.

At 22:00, after waiting for an hour, the bottom divergence still did not come, and I only saw that the balance of my exchange had changed from 900,000 to 300,000.

The even greater blow at this time made Sun Yucong's heart sink to the bottom of the sea.

The mobile phone screen shows: The internal exclusive group has been disbanded.

After reading the news, Sun Yucong felt cold and trembling all over, and roared at home with a ferocious face: Bastard.

Watching the numbers in the account shrinking, and watching the K-line chart of TRX coin on Huobi Exchange fall like a waterfall every fifteen minutes, the red K-line in the icon slides directly downward without any rebound.

Sun Yucong wanted to go out and relax, so he drove to a small park nearest to his home.

Seeing the falling trend of Luna tokens in the chart, he said to himself with heartache: "Should I sell my shares? I can stop the loss now, so I should hold on to the 300,000 and wait for the decline to stop before buying the bottom and buying spot."

Sun Yucong thought about it for a while and then closed and sold the TRX order on Huobi Exchange in real time.

But not long after the sale, at 22:15, TRX on Huobi Exchange fell from the highest of 90 US dollars to 10 US dollars and began to stabilize, and a green K-line began to move upward.

At 22:18, the green K-line moved to around 12 US dollars.

Sun Yucong looked at the K-line on his mobile phone and saw signs of stabilization.

Based on his previous experience of cryptocurrency trading, he felt that he had to wait and see, as he thought that it was possible that a large institution was pouring in funds and was preparing to trap people at the $12 price.

When many players see this trend and buy in, large institutions will quickly sell TRX tokens and leave the market to the brave warriors who take over.

The sale of tokens meant that the price fell back, creating a big pit! But it was still not as expected. Fifteen minutes later, the script that Wang Yucong expected did not come. He saw that Luna's K-line had jumped from $12 to $18!

Wang Yucong was so angry that he slapped his thigh, which was swollen. "If I use 300,000 to buy at $12, I can buy 3,400 TRX coins, and sell them at $18, the difference is $6. If I exchange dollars for real currency, the exchange rate is 1:6, and I can directly make a profit of 150,000."

Wang Yucong was talking to himself in the car, regretting why he was not brave enough to place a buy TRX order on Huobi.

At 22:45, Wang Yucong looked at the trend of TRX currency stabilizing and recovering, and made up his mind and muttered to himself: "Fortune is sought in danger, and any recovery is good."

I immediately fiddled with Huobi and issued an order to buy TRX.

“Purchase of 2525 TRX at $18, completed.” At this moment, Wang Yucong, who had all-in with $300,000, had already begun to imagine a bright future.

"If it triples from $18 to $54, my one million will be back!"

Wang Yucong sat in the car, scrolling through the TRX chart on his phone screen with his right hand, looking forward to a good start.

The trend was just as Wang Yucong expected. From the moment he bought the stock at 22:45, the price kept going up.

18.5 USD! 19.28 USD! At 22:55, the price was close to 29 USD.

Wang Yucong, who was a little crazy, danced with excitement in the car and said, "Haha, one day in the cryptocurrency world is like one year in the real world."

Seeing the joy brought by the price increase, the tense expression on his face relaxed.

I leaned back in the car seat and opened @0xKillTheWolf's latest video

My hand couldn't help but reach for my crotch! ! ! !

Just when Sun Yucong was about to rush out, an accident happened.

At exactly 11 p.m., Wang Yucong stared at the chart on the screen in the car, breathing rapidly, taking a deep puff of the cigarette in his mouth, and the red K-line came into view.

23:00: The K-line of $29 slid straight down to $22.

23:06: The price of TRX coin fell from 22 USD to 15 USD.

23:08: TRX price drops from 15 USD to 8 USD

23:13: TRX price drops from 8 USD to 1 USD

At this time, Sun Yucong was already stunned. He had never seen such a rapid collapse, which shattered his previous dream of a great success.

At this point, a little cold sweat had already appeared on his forehead, and he was trembling all over, but he didn't dare to stop the loss.

I calculated in my mind: the exchange rate for selling my 2525 TRX coins now is 16,000 RMB, which means that I invested 300,000 RMB and lost nearly 30 times in less than 20 minutes!

Sun Yucong looked at the digital balance in his phone that had fallen into the abyss.

I consoled myself: "What if the price goes up again? We can't go back to the days before liberation overnight."

At 23:20, at this moment, Sun Yucong's heart was bleeding, because he had just hesitated and did not make a decision on whether to stop loss. Now the price of TRX on the screen fell from 1 US dollar to 0.1 US dollars!

In just seven minutes, hell fell into a bottomless abyss!

The price of 2525 TRX is only 1500 RMB, which can only be used to fill up the gas tank twice, buy two packs of Zhenghua cigarettes, or have a candlelight dinner with your girlfriend.

Wang Yucong looked at the TRX coins in his phone, which were now like air, and threw the phone out of the car window.

I tried to take a deep breath, then I gripped the steering wheel tightly with both hands and slammed my head against it.

"Beep-beep--beep--" All the regret and pain in my heart were vented out with the sound of the car horn.

... "Wait a moment, the contract for the manure pits over a dozen miles long - I'm going to make a fortune! I'm going to make a fortune." The cheerful ringtone from the folding mobile phone lying on the lawn broke the night of Wang Yucong, the unlucky man.

Wang Yucong heard familiar music floating in his ears and realized that someone must be calling him.

He opened the car door tremblingly, walked step by step to the lawn and picked up his cell phone.

The note on the broken phone screen was "Sister Feng". After calming down, Sun Yucong mustered up the courage to press the call button.

I heard Sister Feng complaining coquettishly on the other end of the phone: "Congbi, have you arrived at my house? It's been an hour. Have you driven all the way to Siberia?

You said you would take me out for a midnight snack!"

Amidst a series of questions, Sun Yucong patted his forehead to stay awake and hurriedly explained: "My little sister,

I just went out and forgot to bring my wallet. So I went home to get it. Coincidentally, my neighbor next door had a broken water pipe and asked me to help fix it.

After all, my neighbor next door often sends me food, and I can’t refuse, so I can only help fix the water pipe, but I forgot about it because I was busy…”

"You have ten minutes to drive to the downstairs of my house, otherwise we will break up!" Feng Jie yelled at Sun Yucong on the other end of the phone and hung up with a "click".

Sun Yucong didn't dare to make this ancestor angry. After all, he had gone through a lot of trouble to pursue his girlfriend.

I don't know how much effort I put into pursuing this Fengjie who is three years younger than me. (Thinking of Fengjie's dark and dense forest)

They met in a werewolf game in a board game store. Feng Jie has beautiful features and a face like the type of female singer Song in the 1950s. She has a slender figure, is 170 cm tall, weighs 180 catties, and is very beautiful.

As long as Fengjie gets the good guy, Sun Yucong will definitely expose himself as a wolf and let her win. After all, when comparing the game with 12 people, the game can be lost, but Fengjie must win!

In this way, with Sun Yucong's unremitting efforts and the way of playing without respecting the identity cards of the Werewolf game, he won the heart of Fengjie, and the two came together.

After hanging up the phone, Wang Yucong, who was a little tired, walked back to his car with heavy and slow steps, took a deep breath,

After calming down from losing all his money, he looked at the 1,500 yuan worth of TRX coins left in the exchange.

He gritted his teeth, sold the coins, exchanged them for 1,500 RMB and withdrew it back to his bank card.

I saw that the balance in my bank card had increased from zero yuan to one thousand five hundred yuan.

I threw my phone into the passenger seat in boredom. I turned the car key hard, stepped on the gas, and the car made a low humming sound. I drove to Haiqin Hotel and took 5 Viagra pills. I thought about Fengjie for a while. . . . . .

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