Making money in the cryptocurrency circle VS making money as a slave

Making money in the cryptocurrency circle is still very easy. Not to mention other things, you can make thousands of dollars a month just by winning the Twitter lottery. With this little capital, choose a few good memes or go to the local dog. If you grasp it well, 1,000U a month is no problem

Making money as a slave, 996, 5,000 a month (average, the highest annual salary of slaves in China is 10 million)

Let's take a look at the time arrangement

Making money in the cryptocurrency circle, sleeping until you wake up naturally, masturbating whenever you want, eating whenever you want

Making money as a slave is not theoretically free in terms of time (it does not rule out that your brother-in-law is the boss), the boss asks you to go to work at 8 o'clock, you can't get up at 9 o'clock, you can only take a paid shit when you want to masturbate, and you have to eat around 12:00 and sleep before 3:00 in the morning

Let's take a look at the working environment

The cryptocurrency circle is free, you can work while lying down or travel, you can trade in cryptocurrencies in Beijing or in Dongguan

Working as a slave, you can only stay in Beijing in Beijing and in Dongguan in Dongguan Occasionally I go on business trips to other cities and stay there for a short time.

Let's take a look at the job prospects.

There are myths about getting rich in the cryptocurrency circle. For example, if you are like @BTCXXY888, you can earn nearly one million a day by investing 10 million yuan.

The job prospects of being a cowherd are worrying. After all, you are only a vice president at most. The boss can't give you his wife and the company.

Of course, cowherds can also make it. For example, I met a few rich women, right? (Don't comment and lick 13 today) #DOGSONBINANCE #DOGSONBINANCE