Let's talk a little bit about the Golden Quadrant

Robert Kiyosaki, author of "Rich Dad Poor Dad", introduced the concept of "Cashflow Quadrant" to describe four groups of people making money in society. His CASHFLOW Quadrant includes four quadrants: Employee, Self-Employed, Business Owner, and Investor. Here's an explanation of each quadrant and the role of "investment":

  1. Employee (E) - Hired employee:

    • People in this group work for others and receive a salary. They have stable jobs, fixed incomes, and often feel secure in their jobs. However, they depend on their employers to make money.

  2. Self-Employed (S) - Self-employed:

    • People in this group are self-employed. They may be doctors, lawyers, repairmen, or other freelance professionals. They have the right to decide their own work but also have to face risks and often work long hours.

  3. Business Owner (B) - Business owner:

    • People in this group own a business and hire others to work for them. They don't necessarily need to work every day in their business, as the system is already set up to generate income. This is the group that has the potential to generate more passive income.

  4. Investor (I) - Investor:

    • People in this group make money by investing in assets such as stocks, bonds, real estate, crypto and other businesses. Money works for them, instead of them working for money. This is the group with the highest potential to generate passive income and achieve financial freedom.

In Kiyosaki's CASHFLOW Quadrant, he emphasizes that to achieve financial freedom and wealth, a person needs to move from the left side of the CASHFLOW Quadrant (Employee and Self-Employed) to the right side (Business Owner). and Investor). Investing is an important part of this process because it helps generate passive income and increase personal wealth without having to work directly.

Golden quadrant

Now we will analyze the group of "investors" to see if we are really an investor? or speculator

1.Passive income:

  • Most people hold a certain coin and consider it as an investment, but wait for the coin to really create passive income or just wait for the price to increase and then sell it.. if you wait for the price to increase, you are a trader. is not passive income.

To have a good coin that both increases in price and has passive income, you should find coins that satisfy factors such as:

  • Coin has stake, earn...

  • Have revenue and share profits with holders

  • Good and sustainable price increase potential

  • There are many other benefits and amenities...

Recommended coins: BNB, MX, ETH, BGB, CAKE....

Passive income with BNB coin

2.Risk management:

  • Investors understand and know how to manage risks in their investments. Have the knowledge and skills to evaluate and select investments with high profit potential but low risk.

3.Grow assets and diversify investment portfolio

  • Invest with a long-term mindset, sensitively grasp market trends to build an effective investment portfolio, suitable for market changes. No fomo with short trends. Discipline according to the initially set goals.

4. Financial knowledge & skills

  • Always learn and have the spirit of learning to improve your thinking and knowledge. Expand relationships with many individuals and organizations in the industry to obtain useful information.

Hopefully this information will be useful to everyone. Hope everyone will give their feedback to Square @THIỀU VĂN HƯNG ANTCLUB more complete. Thank you everyone for viewing the article.
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