#BTC☀ #热门话题

$95,000 or $120,000? Where will the next BTC price peak be?

Traders and market analysts have different views on the next big rise in Bitcoin, with optimists even predicting that Bitcoin can soar to $120,000. So, can Bitcoin break through the $71,500 barrier this week?

Speaking of Bitcoin's price ceiling, there is a cryptocurrency trading master named Mikybull. He did a technical analysis and said that Bitcoin's bull market is not over yet, and the next big rise is coming. Maybe it can really reach the height of $120,000.

This big guy sent a post to his 71,000 fans on July 31, saying bluntly: "Bitcoin is about to take off again, and get ready to welcome new heights above $120,000! Everyone sit tight, let's witness history together!"


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