
The Fed will make a big move tonight! The first rate cut in 4.5 years, what you need to know!

Tonight, the Fed is going to do something big! They plan to end the high interest rate policy that has lasted for 2 and a half years, and they are going to cut interest rates. It is said that the rate cut will be at least 25 basis points, which is the first time in four and a half years.

Recently, the market has been discussing this rate cut and is undecided. At first, everyone said that it would be a 25 basis point cut, but last Friday, the wind suddenly changed, and the voices for a 50 basis point rate cut became louder and louder. You say this change came too suddenly, and there is no obvious reason behind it.

An analyst said: "When you encounter uncertainty, you have to act quickly." His words sounded reasonable, and the Fed seems to be doing this now, but the effect remains to be seen.

Another former Fed boss also spoke up, saying that a 50 basis point rate cut is more reliable. He said that the Fed was slow to react and had to act quickly to save the economy. Although the inflation rate has dropped a bit now, the core inflation is still frighteningly high. The Fed has raised the interest rate to more than 5% for a while. We finally see some results, but it is still far from the target.

By the way, there is also a "dot plot". The Fed updates it a few times a year, and it will change this time. They predicted that there would be only one interest rate cut this year. Everyone is very concerned about how the chart will change now.

In short, let's take a seat and wait for the Fed's interest rate cut tonight!

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