Speaking of Li Ka-shing, there should be no one who does not admire him, right?

This tycoon has experienced decades of changes, but he has been able to seize almost every opportunity for development and continuously expand his territory, so he is also called "Superman".

Li Ka-shing also admitted that he is relatively conservative and will not be too radical. He will not touch high-risk things or play with virtual things.

Even such a conservative "Superman Li" has actually bought Bitcoin a long time ago.

He also left a famous quote:

I think Bitcoin is very risky, so I only invested over 100 million!

According to information, Li Ka-shing invested in Bitcoin in 2014, when Bitcoin was only around US$500:

Now the price of Bitcoin has already exceeded 60,000 US dollars, and Li Chaoren’s investment has increased in value more than a hundred times!

In fact, Li didn’t just buy Bitcoin. The venture capital firm he founded, Horizons Ventures, also invested in several crypto projects:

It’s just that the returns of these crypto projects are currently quite average. The principal invested in these projects should be only a fraction of the returns from the batch of Bitcoin purchased in 2014.

Don’t underestimate Horizon Ventures. Judging from its historical investment cases, it is still very impressive:

There are many well-known large companies in the Victoria Harbour’s portfolio, such as Facebook, Skype, Siri, Zoom, DeepMind, etc., which are very powerful technology investment companies.

Other old money people also hold a similar "conservative" attitude towards Bitcoin. Warren Buffett, the stock god, invested 500 million US dollars in the crypto bank Nu Bank in 2021. Then Nu Banks went public in the United States in 2022 and now has a market value of 60 billion US dollars.

Not only did Buffett make a fortune, he also indirectly held Bitcoin through Nu Bank.

Another old money, Bill Gates, said in 2022 that he does not own any cryptocurrency and also believes that cryptocurrency is a scam.

But Microsoft, which he founded, also invested in two crypto projects in 2022:

Among them, ConsenSys is the parent company of the well-known Ethereum wallet Metamask, and it also invests extensively in various crypto companies.

So for these old foxes, you can't listen to what they say, you can only watch what they do.