#美国政府转移BTC #超级央行周 #比特币大会

How to make money from the trend?

The relationship between the change of BTC long-term holders and the outbreak of altcoins;

It needs overflow funds, and BTC needs to keep reaching new highs to overflow to the altcoins. In this way, there will be a lot of hot money in the general rise season of the altcoins, so the increase will be more expected.

Why do friends think that the altcoins in March this year are far worse than those in 2021? In fact, it is because the new high is not very high, only 69,000 or about 5,000 US dollars higher, so the overflow funds are insufficient, so the money from the trend is not as easy to make as in 2021. Therefore, it is necessary to wait for macro-monetary easing under the cognition of BTC. There is a chance only when BTC has a large-scale main upward wave.